SALE… it’s one word that we all love to hear. Well, you’re in luck, because you’re going to hear A LOT of it today.
If you don’t know much about Black Friday, it is the Friday that follows the Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Although we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, we are following the trend of the Black Friday retail super sale day, which has grown in popularity significantly over the last few years.
Following the Black Friday bean bag sale comes Cyber Monday, which is the Monday after Black Friday.
It may start to get a little confusing from here, I know… are you keeping up with the days yet? I hope so, because Cyber Monday is another day in which you can score yourself a bargain in the online shopping super sales.
Then comes our many Christmas sales – Green Monday, the Super Saturday sales, and the one everyone has been waiting for… Boxing Day Sales! This sale comes with so many enormous bargains that end the year.
So today not only will I discuss all of these super sales and how you can use them to score yourself huge discounts, but I will also talk about every sale of the new year to come – so, kick back, relax, and get ready to get excited, because you’re about learn how to save yourself valuable dollars on every sale we offer.
Black Friday Bean Bag Sale
Black Friday is the name for the Friday that follows the Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday every November, and has been considered the start of America’s Christmas shopping season since the 1950’s. However, as we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, you may be wondering, why is it such a big deal?
Well, in recent years, Black Friday has been promoted by retailers worldwide and become an absolute shopping sensation. I’m here to explain exactly why you should care, because Black Friday is one super sale that you do not want to miss out on.
Black Friday is known to be one of the biggest shopping days of the year, and so interest has increased in Australia in recent years. Black Friday sales are growing every year, and here at Bliss Bean Bags, we’ve joined the phenomenon. You’re going to see tremendous discounts on the bean bags you’ve had your eye on! If you’re looking for a huge deal on one of our products that you feel has been a little bit out of your price range, you’re rarely get a chance to save your valuable dollars than on Black Friday.
The Black Friday sales are also a great date to get some of your Christmas shopping completed, if you’re one of those people who like to get it all out of the way early. You’re guaranteed to find some excellent bean bags at a fraction of our normal price.
To sum up Black Friday – it’s a great opportunity to find quality products at low prices, so you can justify your spending spree. Our Black Friday Bean Bag sale offers you the incredible discounts that you’ve been waiting for.
Some tips about navigating the epidemic that is Black Friday include;
• Get in early on Black Friday morning – This way, you can guarantee your order will be processed within the Black Friday sale hours. Luckily for you, as we craft our bean bags to suit your order, unlike other stores we are never out of stock.
• Be prepared – Having a list of the items you want to purchase is a great way to make sure you don’t forget anything, whilst making sure you don’t make any impulse purchases and buy anything you don’t need.
Other than that, all I can say is – enjoy the super sale that is Black Friday!
Cyber Monday Bean Bag Sale
Cyber Monday is the name for the Monday after the Thanksgiving Day in the United States (which falls on the fourth Thursday every November). Cyber Monday is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year for grabbing yourself a great bargain. Once again, although Australia does not celebrate Thanksgiving, we have followed America’s tradition in terms of the super sale that is Cyber Monday.
Here at Bliss Bean Bags, we have began to participate, meaning our website has great discounts and deals on all of our bean bags. Take full advantage of Cyber Monday and save on super deals on all of your favourite bean bags.
A tip for Cyber Monday is that, due to the time difference between Australia and America, the Cyber Monday sales in Australia actually occur on Monday and Tuesday. You’ll find that whilst it starts on a Monday morning in the United States, it will start on a Monday night and finish on a Tuesday for us.
Green Monday Bean Bag Sale
Green Monday is the name for the second Monday every December. Another incredibly popular online shopping day, Green Monday falls roughly 2 weeks before Christmas. This is typically the deadline for you to make a purchase that will arrive in time for Christmas.
Although not as well-known as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Green Monday is designed for those shoppers who may have missed out on these sales and are still looking for mind-blowing discounts on their favourite items.
Or, perhaps you made a great purchase for yourself on the Black Friday or Cyber Monday super sale days, but haven’t yet brought that Christmas present for someone special and are looking for the perfect bean bag at a bargain price? Well, Green Monday is the ideal day for those discounts you’ve been waiting for.
Often referred to as “Cyber Monday 2” because of the amazing specials on offer, here at Bliss Bean Bags, we’ve included our bean bags in what has been described as one of the biggest online shopping events of the year that is Green Monday. We’re offering you deals that are comparable to those you will find on Cyber Monday, so if you missed out, there’s no need to fear, there’s still another super sale coming your way!
Boxing Day Bean Bag Sale
Boxing Day is the public holiday that falls on the 26 December every year, the day after Christmas. You’ve been living under a rock if you don’t recognise the three words “Boxing Day Sales”.
It really is no wonder everybody gets so hyped up about these sales – you have the opportunity to score yourself massive bargains on the Boxing Day Sales. This is as, after Christmas Day, retailers want to reduce the amount of unsold stock they have before the New Year comes along. The best way for us to do this is to hold large stock-take sales.
Boxing Day is one of the major sales events of the year, with prices dropped dramatically. Here at Bliss Bean Bags, we believe that you should use this day to grab a bargain and give yourself a gift – you deserve it if you were on good behaviour and survived Christmas with your family. Even better, shop online to avoid the hassle and hysteria that will be at the shopping centres.
Back to School Bean Bag Sale
Before you know it, the new year is here, and your kids are about to start school. If you haven’t got yourself prepared yet and bought your kids new supplies, you do still have a bit of time up your sleeve, so use it while you can.
Take advantage of the Back To School Sales that occur over the first few weeks of January. Here at Bliss Bean Bags, we believe that one great way to do so is by purchasing your tween or teenager a bean bag that they can use in their room as a place of comfort for them to study and read their books. You’ll score yourself massive discounts and a happy child… now that’s an unbelievable bonus!
Valentine’s Day Bean Bag Sale
Valentine’s Day occurs every year on February 14. A day for celebrating romantic love, typically you surprise your partner with a present on Valentine’s Day.
A tip is to not leave your shopping until the last minute – many stores, including those that promote online shopping, will have their Valentine’s Day sales in the first week of February to ensure the products arrive in time. Here at Bliss Bean Bags, if your loved one has expressed interest in a new, comfortable, relaxing piece of furniture, view our Valentine’s Day deals on our bean bags at the beginning of February to save yourself some serious cash and win yourself some serious affection!
Easter Bean Bag Sale
Easter is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. The long Easter weekend holiday starts on Good Friday and ends on Easter Monday. A moveable celebration, Easter falls on a different date each year – the date being determined by mathematical calculations (Easter Sunday being the first Sunday after the Full Moon date that falls on or after March 21, unless the Full Moon is on a Sunday, in which case Easter is celebrated the following Sunday).
Thousands of retailers have Easter sales to encourage you to shop for the 4-day long weekend. As such, now is the perfect time to buy yourself something that you have had your eye on for a while but felt was out of your price range, or simply buying yourself that perfect treat at that perfect price.
It’s also the perfect time to think of the best chocolate-free Easter gifts. Although Easter and chocolate generally tend to go hand in hand, that diet doesn’t always suit everybody. Maybe you don’t want your child overloaded with sugar, or maybe you have a loved one who lives a lactose-free life. Here at Bliss Bean Bags, we’re here to help you out with a great gift that is bound to be a sweet surprise, even without the unnecessary sugar. And all at such a sweet sale price that even the Easter Bunny will be hopping up and down in joy!
Mother’s Day Bean Bag Sale
Mother’s Day is celebrated yearly on the second Sunday of every May. It is a day for making your Mum feel special, and if you ask me, Mother’s Day is one of the most important calendar events of the year. It’s the perfect day to show appreciation for your Mum, guardian or any important woman in your life for everything they have done for you, by purchasing them presents and showering them with love.
One of the hardest things about Mother’s Day, however, is deciding what gift to get for the Mum in your life who seems to have it all. That’s where we at Bliss Bean Bags come in. A comfortable bean bag in which she can lay back, rest and relax will make up for all the times you kept her awake with worry when you were younger, or got her out of bed on Mother’s Day with a homemade breakfast that you made yourself… which was a very nice attempt, but maybe not such a nice breakfast. You can be guaranteed Mum will love an authentic bean bag that you design in her favourite colours, to suit her favourite place of rest and relaxation.
Or perhaps you are a mother yourself? Treat yourself with a quality gift at a bargain price at our Mother’s Day sale.
End of Financial Year Bean Bag Sale
You can find some of the ultimate discounts on products at the end of the financial year sales – that is, in the weeks before the 30 June each year.
What you will find most stores doing during this period is offering huge discounts to rid themselves of remaining stock before the new financial year. By ridding themselves of this stock, your favourite retailer will face less challenges in terms of tax and paperwork, and also attempting to meet or exceed sales targets. You can utilise this to your advantage by purchasing our Bliss Bean Bags whilst we are offering you large discounts.
Father’s Day Bean Bag Sale
Father’s Day is celebrated yearly on the first Sunday of September. Another extremely important calendar event, Father’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate with your Dad, guardian, or any important man in your life that you have a paternal bond with. This is typically done by purchasing them presents and showing your appreciation for the influence of fathers in society.
Once again, one of the hardest things about Father’s Day is finding a present for the Dad in your life who already appears to have it all. Rather than the typical present of socks or ties, here at Bliss Bean Bags we believe Dad deserves something better – one of our quality bean bags designed especially for him by you. Not only will you receive it at a discount price, but it’s a place of comfort for Dad to show your appreciation for all the hard work he has done over the years.
Here at Bliss Bean Bags, we love to celebrate super sales with you! Some of our biggest include:
• Black Friday – Black Friday is the Friday that follows Thanksgiving Day in America. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday every November. Although we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, Black Friday is known to be one of the most popular shopping days and we will be offering tremendous discounts on those bean bags that you have had your eye on.
• Cyber Monday – Cyber Monday is the Monday after Thanksgiving Day in the America. Once again, although we do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, we have followed America’s tradition in terms of Cyber Monday, which is one of the biggest online shopping days of the year for grabbing yourself a great bargain.
• Green Monday – Green Monday is the second Monday every December. As it falls roughly 2 weeks before Christmas, it is typically the deadline to make a purchase that will arrive in time for Christmas. Green Monday is designed as a super sale for those who may have missed out on Black Friday or Cyber Monday and are still chasing incredible discounts.
• Boxing Day Sales – Boxing Day is the public holiday that is the day after Christmas – that is, December 26 every year. The Boxing Day Sales are extremely well-known as you can score yourself massive bargains – typically, retailers want to reduce the amount of unsold stock they have before the New Year comes along. As such, we will hold large stock-take sales and you will find our bean bag prices dropped dramatically.
• Back to School Sales – Take advantage of the sales that happen over the first few weeks of January – usually designed to prepare your children with new supplies for school, you can score large discounts on a lot of products, including our bean bags for their bedrooms.
• Valentine’s Day Sales – Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year on February 14 and is a day for celebrating romantic love. Many stores will have their Valentine’s Day sales in the first week of February, so make sure you view our deals in time to score yourself a discount.
• Easter sales – The 4-day weekend, the Easter holiday starts on Good Friday and ends on Easter Monday. A moveable celebration, Easter falls on a different date each year. Easter sales are common to encourage you to shop for the 4-day long weekend or purchase a gift for someone other than chocolate at a discount price.
• Mother’s Day Sale – Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May every year. A day for making your Mum feel special, generally by purchasing them a present, massive bargains are available to get that hard-to find gift for the perfect person in your life.
• End of Financial Year Sales – The end of financial year sales occur in the weeks before 30 June each year, and you can score some ultimate discounts. Most stores will be offering huge discounts to rid themselves of remaining stock before the new financial year.
• Father’s Day Sale – Father’s Day is the first Sunday of September every year. The perfect day to celebrate with your Dad, which is typically done by purchasing them presents and showing your appreciation for all they have done. One of the hardest things about Father’s Day is finding a present for the Dad in your life who already appears to have it all, however when you find that gift – and it may just be a bean bag designed by you – you can pick it up at a bargain price.
So please, remember all of these super sales and use them to your advantage – we love our clients and we cannot wait for you to score yourself huge discounts and save yourself valuable dollars at every available opportunity.